Talyvel® 6 Standard System

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Code M112-4515-01 + 112-4863 + 112-1664
Talyvel Level Unit with 3m USB Cable; 1600 secs range - best accuracy 0.2 seconds. Batteries and charger built in. Complete with case. 15.6" Laptop 1366x768 pixels, 2.4GHz i3 Processor, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Windows O/S x64 Bit. This compact unit offers stable, high accuracy measurement. Its pendulum type transducer is suspended on fine wires and is silicon oil damped to reduce the effects of mechanical vibration during measurements. Built-in electronics allow the Talyvel® level to interface directly to a PC using either the USB cable supplied or an optional wireless dongle. The level contains rechargeable batteries. The Level Unit incorporates an On/Off clamp knob which, when locked in, secures the pendulum during transport.